Workplace & Employee Training

Articles on workplace and employee training, including how age affects learning, the different type of employee training available, how to train new employees, experiential learning, alternatives to face-to-face training, characteristics of adult learners and how VR is changing corporate training.

Examples of AI being used in Education and Training

Examples of AI being used in Education and Training

Discover the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence in Education and Training. Explore real-life examples of how AI is revolutionizing learning, personalized tutoring, and skill development to shape the future of education.

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Humans vs AI

Humans vs AI: The Cost of Not Investing in Soft Skills in the Age of AI

Delve into the critical importance of soft skills in the AI era with our thought-provoking blog, Humans vs AI. Learn how neglecting soft skills can have dire consequences on your business and employees, and uncover strategies to invest in and cultivate these essential human abilities to thrive in a technology-driven world.

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What is the Train the Trainer Model and Key Benefits

What is the Train the Trainer Model and Key Benefits

One of the most common business methods to strategically disseminate new abilities, insights, and information, is the Train the Trainer model. This article discusses what it is and the key benefits of the model.

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Key facilitation skills for trainers and how to improve them

Key facilitation skills for trainers and how to improve them

A reliable facilitator makes things easier for the team by fostering engagement and helping in decision-making. This guide covers some of the key facilitation skills you need as a trainer and how you can improve them.

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How is VR Changing Corporate Training?

How is VR Changing Corporate Training?

While many continue to debate over the adoption rates of virtual reality (VR), a VR tidal wave is quietly bringing VR very much into the present. A number of companies are already exploring VR as a supplementary tool for corporate training and you could find yourself being trained in VR sooner than you think.

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Adult learning courses using VR

Adult Learning Courses & Virtual Reality

The benefits of VR and AR for adult learning are revolutionary. The combination of experiential learning and accessibility make these emerging technologies serious contenders to shake up learning systems.

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Overcoming the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve with Virtual Reality

Overcoming the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve with Virtual Reality

We lose about 90% of the information we learn within a month. You may be investing a lot of money into learning a new skill, when ultimately not much of the material is remembered. We discuss how VR can be used to increase retention and overcome the forgetting curve.

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Teaching Strategies for the Eight Different Learning Styles

Teaching Strategies for the Eight Different Learning Styles

Everyone processes information uniquely, so it's essential for trainers to understand the different learning styles. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to tailor your teaching strategy to suit your students or trainees.

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Corporate Learning for the New Generation of Employees

Creating an Employee Training Program for Future Generations

Advances in technology allow companies to reinvent their learning and development towards the incoming generations of employees, providing them with more desirable skillsets that better meet the needs of businesses.

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Adult Learning Styles: Helping Adults Learn with the VAK Model

When teaching adults, it's important to take into account characteristics and learning styles of adults, especially how previous experiences influence their thinking.

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6 Key Characteristics of Adult Learners

Learners differ in many ways, from gender to culture to previous education. It's important to be aware of these factors when teaching. However adult learners do share similar characteristics which impact their learning.

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Top Learning Software Tools To Upskill Your Workforce in 2020

Learning Software To Upskill You or Your Workforce

With the continuing rise of AI, cloud services, VR and big data, 2020 will see new opportunities for businesses to upskill their workforce. This article covers essential learning tools to upskill your workforce.

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Alternatives to Face-to-Face Training: Online, VR and more

Alternatives to Face-to-Face Training: Online, VR and more

Alternative methods to face-to-face training so that your employees can continue their professional development in a flexible, easy-to-access way.

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Best Practices for Deploying Immersive Learning Programs

Best Practices for Deploying Immersive Learning Programs

When deploying an immersive learning program, there are several key areas you need to think about, including how to rollout the program, integrate with existing training, allocate resources and learner adoption.

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Examples of VR used for Training - Industry Case Studies

Examples of VR used for Training - Industry Case Studies

Case studies which highlight how virtual reality (VR) has been used to provide training solutions across different industries and business sectors.

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Experiential Learning with Virtual Reality

Experiential Learning and Kolb's Learning Styles

Research shows that experiential learning is effective - with the rapid development of virtual reality (VR), people can learn through experience inside a virtual world from any location.

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Guide for training new employees

Guide for training new employees

It takes multiple resources to train new employees but the benefits are significant, including increased engagement, productivity, morale and low staff turnover.

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Different types of employee training and delivery methods

Different types of employee training and delivery methods

Organizations can use many different types of training and delivery methods to engage their employees. In this article, we discuss common methods of delivery and training types.

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Examples of how AI is Transforming Learning and Development

Examples of how AI is Transforming Learning and Development

A key part of upskilling employees will be through the use of AI and ML to provide them with the most relevant content when they need it. AI will transform how learning content is delivered, leading to greater alignment with business values.

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Cognitive Decline with Age: What is Affected?

This article lists key challenges for adult learners due to the natural cognitive decline humans experience as they age.

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January 02, 2019 - VirtualSpeech

Advantages of Meta Quest for Corporate Training

The Oculus Quest provides a powerful, easy to use tool for training employees in VR. Employees can practice different scenarios in realistic VR experiences, from public speaking to sales pitches.

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Guide for training employees in VR

Guide for training employees in VR

Guide and best practices for how to train employees using virtual reality. Useful for corporations and organisations looking into immersive training for improved learner retention and cost savings.

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Enhance your training catalogue with simulation-based learning

Enhance your training catalogue with simulation-based learning

Through simulations, employees can learn in a highly managed, low stakes environment, where they have the freedom to practice situations as many times as they need to get it right.

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  1. Articles on Communication Skills
  2. Articles on Presentation Skills
  3. Articles on Public Speaking
  4. Articles on Virtual Reality for Training
  5. Articles on Soft Skills
  6. Articles on Career and Workplace
  7. Articles on Leadership
  8. Articles on Workplace & Employee Training
  9. Articles on Non-Verbal Communication
  10. Articles on Sales & Media Training
  11. Articles on Interview Skills