Practice your Facilitation Skills

Practice delivering a training program to different sized audiences and venues. Receive feedback on your performance.


In this exercise, you'll practice training others in ways that fully involve and engage the learners.

After each practice session, you'll receive automated feedback on your performance, on aspects such as your pace, filler words used and confidence.

There are 4 different virtual scenarios for you to practice in, ranging from a large conference room to a smaller, more traditional training setting.


  • Practice delivering a training session in 4 different environments
  • Feedback on your delivery so you can identify areas that need improving
  • Audio of the practice session is recorded so that you can listen back and self-evaluate your performance
  • Practice answering common questions which participants have
  • Load in your own slides to practice presenting with

Accessing the exercise

The facilitator training exercise can be accessed from your web browser, no installation or download is required. You can also access the scenarios from virtual reality, if you have a VR headset.

PC / Laptop Virtual Reality


Testing your current training ability

Testing your current ability

Introducing yourself and the topic

Introducing yourself and the topic

Asking and answering questions

Asking and answering questions

Explaining a topic or concept

Explaining a topic or concept

Topics covered

Train the Trainer Facilitator Training Delivering Training Programs Engaging Audiences

Unlock this practice exercise and more with the All Access program.

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