User talk:Auntof6

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Welcome to Wikimedia Commons, Auntof6!

Rd232 (talk) 14:29, 26 November 2011 (UTC)Reply[reply]

About your edit request on Template talk:Topic of country[edit]

Thanks for your edit request on Template talk:Topic of country for changing the "diffuseat" parameter. I did not know it works this way. I'll make a note in the CFD. JopkeB (talk) 04:49, 28 September 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

@JopkeB: You're welcome. There are still the other tasks for that CFD marked as assigned to Joshbaumgartner, such as the one to replace {{CatDiffuse}}. -- Auntof6 (talk) 05:26, 28 September 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Yes, I know, but it turns out that I have misinterpreted his contribution, he is not someone who makes bots, so I have to invent other solutions and remove his name from the assigned tasks. It is on my to-do list. JopkeB (talk) 08:34, 28 September 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
I'd love to be that skilled, but unfortunately templates and a few .js tweaks are about as far as my old brain will carry me. That said, I have gone ahead and made the requested edit to {{Topic of country}}. If there are any others requiring similar attention, let me know. Josh (talk) 22:50, 28 September 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
@JopkeB @Joshbaumgartner: Also, I see that there are 1,733 categories using {{Diffusion by condition}} with a count of 50 specified. Those should be changed as well, best by just removing the count parameter altogether. An example is Category:Archaeologists from Ukraine. -- Auntof6 (talk) 03:04, 29 September 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
In the case of Archaeologists from Ukraine, the '50' has been added at the category level directly. I think we still want to allow editors to set specific limits for individual categories vs. forcing a mandated number on all categories no matter what. It has been a bit since I dug into that discussion, but my recollection is that we wanted to reset the defaults to 200, but still allow other numbers to be selected. I could have misread things though, @JopkeB might know better. I'm not sure I am really clear on exactly why having 50 instead of 200 is a problem...clogging the maintenance categories maybe? Josh (talk) 03:19, 29 September 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Fair point. It clogs the categories, yes, but also, 50 just seems too low. However, I guess that wasn't the point of the CFD. Some categories are just going to have a lot of files because there's no good way of diffusing them. For example, I'm working on diffusing Category:Men with beards, but there are still thousands of files in it. -- Auntof6 (talk) 03:33, 29 September 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
I agree with Josh, he wrote in the discussion: "Obviously, there are a lot of categories where 200 is too high a number, but those can be set by users in those topics as needed." and I agree, this was not an issue. So my suggestion is to leave {{Diffusion by condition}} as it is. JopkeB (talk) 04:33, 29 September 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]


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З 1 по 31 жовтня буде проходити українська частина міжнародного фотоконкурсу «Вікі любить пам'ятки», метою якого є фотографування пам'яток історико-культурної спадщини України. Зі списками пам'яток можна ознайомитися тут.

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Invitation to participate in/contribute to a photo contest[edit]


Dear Auntof6,

We’re excited to share with you our first-ever art and photo contest for this year’s #VisibleWikiWomen, on Unpacking Body Plurality in Sports!

We’re inviting submissions of photos, illustrations, and other forms of art depicting womxn and non-binary people in sports — as athletes, fans, cheerleaders, referees, journalists, and much more. Our #VisibleWikiWomxn contest celebrates the bodies of womxn in sports by centering their voices, images, stories, and experiences in all their diversity, plurality, and glory.

You can find all the information on our landing page: Unpacking Body Plurality in Sports


Hola Auntof6,

Queremos invitarte a participar de nuestro primer concurso de arte y fotografía "Cuerpos plurales en el deporte" en el marco de la campaña #VisibleWikiWomen de este año.

Estamos convocando a presentar fotos, ilustraciones y otras formas de arte que representen a mujeres y personas no binarias en el deporte - atletas, personas aficionadas, animadoras, árbitras, periodistas y personas ligadas al deporte en todos los aspectos. Nuestro concurso #VisibleWikiWomxn celebra los cuerpos de las mujeres en el deporte centrándose en sus voces, imágenes, historias y experiencias en toda su diversidad, pluralidad y gloria.

Puedes encontrar toda la información en la página del concurso.


Olá Auntof6,

Ficamos felizes em convidar você a participar de nossa primeira Wiki-competição de arte e fotografia, como parte da campanha #VisibleWikiWomen deste ano, sobre "Corpos plurais no esporte"!

Estamos recebendo fotos, ilustrações, e outras formas de arte que retratem mulheres e pessoas não-binárias nos esportes — como atletas, torcedoras, juízas, jornalistas, e muito mais. Nossa competição #VisibleWikiWomxn celebra os corpors de mulheres e pessoas não-binárias e coloca ao centro suas vozes, imagens, histórias, e experiências em toda sua pluralidade e glória.

Você pode encontrar todas as informações necessárias em nossa página: Unpacking Body Plurality in Sports.

Sunshine Fionah Komusana (talk) 19:17, 11 October 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Hello, trying to help with cleanup in that category I think the majority of the cases is caused by instances of {{Creator}} giving Dutch rather than English keywords for the creators' occupation from a GWToolset Batch Upload of Rijksmuseum Amsterdam objects (?) of yours. I'd be very happy if we could find a way to clean this up. Do you have any ideas? Thanks in advance, --Marsupium (talk) 17:43, 19 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

@Marsupium: I've never done a batch upload of anything. However, I just looked at:
  1. this file, which has the error
  2. this file, which does not have the error
The difference I see is that the first one includes the nationality and occupation templates in the artist parameter. Maybe those shouldn't be specified with this kind of artist. -- Auntof6 (talk) 22:49, 19 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

"rem template that's only for metacats"[edit]

Have you considered the possibility that {{By quantity}} shouldn't include the {{MetaCat}} template? In fact, navigation templates should never automatically include {{MetaCat}}. -- DanielPenfield (talk) 03:41, 27 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

@DanielPenfield: There are two types of categories I see using this template.
  1. Categories with names like "Foo by quantity": these are metacats and need the metacat template one way or another
  2. Categories with names like "4 foos": these are not metacats. I'm replacing the necessary code with better templates for defining these.
I'd be happy to have the metacat template added explicitly on the actual metacats (instead of being added by a template), but that would require also changing the categories of type 1 and that's not in the scope of what I'm currently doing. Are you thinking that just removing the metacat template from {{By quantity}} would make it useable for the categories of type 2? It seems to me that more would be needed. -- Auntof6 (talk) 03:51, 27 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Your statement My response
"There are two types of categories I see using this template. 1. Categories with names like "Foo by quantity": these are metacats and need the metacat template one way or another Have you thought that through? There really shouldn't be "categories of type 1" as nobody should ever place a navigation template on a MetaCat as the primary key for the MetaCat is the navigation--MetaCats do not need additional navigation beyond the primary key.
"Categories with names like "4 foos": these are not metacats. I'm replacing the necessary code with better templates for defining these." Actually, you're deleting them outright: [1], [2], [3]. I see no evidence of your "replacing" claim.
"Are you thinking that just removing the metacat template from {{By quantity}} would make it useable for the categories of type 2?" No, I'm stating that nobody should use navigational templates on {{MetaCat}}s as the primary key for the MetaCat is the navigation--MetaCats do not need additional navigation beyond the primary key.
-- DanielPenfield (talk) 07:30, 27 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]